This event has passed. Read the post-event article (written by Christina Procopiou, May 10, 2019)
Berkeley Fire Research Workshop
Sibley Auditorium | UC Berkeley Campus, Berkeley, California
May 9, 2019
UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab are perfectly positioned to advance the integrated study of fire and solutions for fire risks and sustainability, with deep strengths in relevant aspects of environmental science, engineering, technology, and other fields. Working together, we can do much more. The proposed workshop will review the state of the art, future outlook, and opportunities for greater collaboration and synergistic efforts in fire science, management, and emergency response.
This workshop will focus on Fire in the Environment, including fire in natural lands, working lands, and the wildland-urban interface; structure fires and infrastructure; and post-fire impacts and products. It will not focus on fossil fuel combustion, fundamental combustion science and visualization, or combustion for power generation, industrial processes, explosives/weapons, or industrial char production.
- Bring together researchers from across fields and Berkeley research units to cross-fertilize ideas
- Learn about the work on fire and fire-relevant capabilities across Berkeley research units
- Build community and collaborative opportunities in Fire Research
- Assess and build opportunities for future collaborative work
Short plenary sessions interspersed with parallel breakout sessions for roundtable discussions among smaller groups. View the final agenda HERE.
We seek representation from all fire research areas at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley, but space is limited and participation is by invitation only so that we can keep attendance at a level suitable for an interactive workshop.
- Buildings and Structures
- Carbon
- Climate Change
- Combustion
- Detection and monitoring
- Ecosystems
- Health
- Infrastructure and Energy
- Economics, Policy, Insurance
- Land use
- Technology Platforms
- Utilities
- Water and hydrology
- Wildfire modeling
Workshop Co-chairs: Scott Stephens, Margaret Torn, Tarek Zohdi